Sunday, March 22, 2009


As is often true with a given topic, the more we attend to it, richer insights come with the focus. Reflecting on the power of emotions is no different. Now that we have an ocean of evidence that all decisions and choices we make are driven and colored by our emotional underworld, the importance of the topic is magnified. I wonder what insights others have found while working with this topic?


Gabriele said...

Roger, I have not problem with your statement. I would like to make a point that we only have one "Choice", we do not have 'choices'. As Albert Einstein stated near the end of his like, 'it's either Love of fear', that drives us, being aware of this is the problem. It appears the applying Critical thinking and reflection of one's motives to a decisions made, is very difficult for most people. My dialogue with Dr. Phil Harker, whom is writing a book on this subject after many years of research (One degree of freedom), brings me to think that individuals will avoid reflecting on 'Emotional Underworld', as it will mean taking responsibility for our actions. The 'Noise' in our societies is so powerful in suppressing open and honest reflection (Group-Think in all it's forms). The Question of, "Who am I truly?" is generally buried deep in the subconscious, because as children we are suppress to ask powerful question of emotions and personal identity. When society is drive by Fear, it is a rare individual that will and express, what is the driving choice, Love or Fear. Would this world of souls be a very different place if this was the fundamental principle of our education system around the world. The instilling of the deep search and reflection of who, what we are and the emotional underworld we live in, and make our decisions by, is still one choice, 'Love' or 'Fear'.

Rachel David said...

Building relationship is an art which requires a lot of understanding and an expert training on emotional intelligencecreates unity among employees and improves the morale of the organization.

Belly Surya Candra Orsa said...

Great Blog..!!!! Keep Blogging.... :)

Herophon said...

Excellent Gabriele. Though I must clarify, love or fear, are two choices. But with-in the context of what your saying, you are so right. We MUST choose love, because of the ramifications of what happens to oneself through making decisions from the 'choice' of fear are tragic, not only to oneself but also to those whom they love and build relationships with.

Thanks for your comment Gabrielle. It's comforting to know there are other's out there who understand and "choose" to take responsibility to such a high degree.

Well done you.

Marg Online said...

Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful article. Thank you for providing this information.
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